Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sing it

Crunch time around here with my brother's wedding just around the bend. All 3 kiddos are in it which for the girls means shoes! dresses! hair! nails! makeup! and for the boy: a suit. So not fair.

Anyhoo, we've had misty fog around here for a week, but do we let this get us down? Nah--okay, a little. But I look at it this way, if it were hot and sunny, I'd want to be out there instead of doing all the stuff I've got to do.

Speaking of beaches (we were, weren't we?), I've been invited to hang at a new cyber-beach pad today. New to me, but maybe not to you? Please stop by singalullaby and say hello to my new friend on the net! She's a sweetie!

Happy American Idol Tuesday :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ooohh! Thanks for reminding me about AI! I got so wrapped up in last night's Dancing w/the Stars that I almost forgot! :)